Posts for: #Firearms

Firearm Rules Compendium

Firearm Rules Compendium
“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers Introduction Over the last year and change of running a playtest for a system I’m working on, I’ve been putting a lot of deliberation into the way firearms are handled.
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Destructive Devices & Utilities

Forward Thoughts. Like many of rules and weapons I’ve been creating in this series of firearms articles, it’s been born out of player suggestions throughout the play-test games being run for my system. As a result some of the technical language is used is based around my system, though it is entirely OSR compatible. Though for attacks or weapons that require saves I leave add in brackets the type of save required for a B/X derived system for ease of conversion.
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Firearm Attachments & Double-barreled/Duplex Rules

Firearm Attachments & Double-barreled/Duplex Rules
Attachment & Weapon Mods It seems like a rather large oversight to make a fairly comprehensive set of firearm rules and not include rules for adding attachments or modding your weapons. It surprisingly took a player at my playtesting group to point this out, which made me realize that I had totally missed it. I mean, no good battle rattle setup is complete without a bunch of heavy gizmos sticking off a rifle, just to weigh down an operator before some rando insurgent guns them down with a burned-out AKM produced in 1959 that has magically ended up being serviced in the modern day.
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