Psionic Usage Die Rules
“There should be a science of discontent. People need hard times to develop psychic muscles."
- Paul Atreides
Much like Firearms, psionics in D&D have this stigma around them, a very vocal group of people who think they don’t belong. My typical retort to those people is to tell them to browse Appendix N of any old D&D edition, and you’ll find psionics was quite a big part of the pulp fantasy that would inspire D&D.
I’m not so much here to argue this point; I’m not in charge of what is permitted at your table, and all the better for that. My interest here is to present a set of psionic rules which I’ve been prototyping and want some comment and input on.
Much of my interpretation or mechanics is inspired by two primary sources:
- PX1 - Basic Psionic Handbook by New Big Dragon
- The Old Psi Warrior UA Class for 5th Edition D&D
The Usage Die Mechanic⌗
I have conflicted emotions regarding the usage die as a mechanic. While I think the suggested and often intended use for it—to replace keeping track of items or resources—I don’t think it does well, at least when I’ve used it, I found it no more expedient to use than simply keeping track of numbers.
Where I think usage die mechanics work well is when they represent something more abstract than a material resource, such as willpower or energy. Mana points, I think, are boring, which I admit is not an objective argument, but I do stand by that.
While I really like PX1, instead of going the Mana/Psi Point route like PX1 did, I went with substituting the concept with a psi-die mechanic to better emulate fiction of psychics, with bulging forehead veins and rubbing at their temples, trying to muster forth their focus all professor X style.
Other Considerations⌗
I’m mainly designing this mechanic for an OSR modern setting in mind. As to how I handle leveling is in lieu of classes: characters pick one or roll twice on a table of improvements for their character. Balance in this fashion is a matter of opportunity cost; getting an attack bonus this level and getting more HP are mutually exclusive, and likely the same would be for these psionic powers, being a separate progression track you choose and forego standard leveling at the cost of things like more HP or AC.
For a more standard OSR level system, I’d just make a separate psionic class as a counterpart to the wizard, as opposed to the old OD&D concept of psionics being a chance thing at character creation (though wild talents are fun as well).
Of Note: I’ve used these psionic rules at my table, not for players, but NPCs. I have a faction of evil bug people heavily inspired by Frank Herbert’s Hellstrum’s hive; many of their sergeant/lieutenant ranked members have psionic abilities beyond mere telepathy.
Likewise, in my setting, the CIA’s project Bluebird is still very much funded and in use, so plenty of psionic CIA agents are in my setting as well.
Psionic Rules⌗
Core Mechanic: Psi-Die⌗
Psi-Die Overview:
- Every psionic character starts with a psi-die (e.g., d8), which represents their mental stamina and focus.
- The die size increases as the character gains levels in psionics:
- Psi Level 0: d3
- Psi Level 1: d4
- Psi Level 2: d6
- Psi Level 3: d8
- Psi Level 4: d10
- Psi Level 5: d12
Using Psionic Powers:
- Whenever you use a psionic power, roll your psi-die.
- If the result is equal to or below the power’s depletion threshold, your psi-die shrinks to the next smaller size (e.g., d8 → d6).
- Example: A character with a d8 die uses a power with a threshold of 3. They roll an 4, which is above the threshold—no depletion occurs. If they rolled a 2 or lower, the die would shrink to d6.
- Threshold Limitation: You cannot use a psionic power if its threshold is equal to or exceeds your current psi-die size. For example:
- A character with a size die of d4 cannot use a psi-power with a threshold of 1-4.
Recovery Mechanics⌗
Your psi-die can recover in two ways:
- Rest-Based Recovery: After a full night’s sleep, you regain one die level. For example:
- A character at Psi Level 2 (d6) who drops to d4 due to depletion will return to d6 after resting.
- Consumables and Rituals: Certain items or rituals can recover one die size or temporarily boost your psi-die.
Example Psi-Powers⌗
Psi Spear⌗
- Range: 120 feet
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Area of Effect: 1 target
- Threshold: 1-2
The psionicist projects a powerful telekinetic thrust to strike a single target. This power deals 1d6 damage, plus a bonus equal to the target’s Armor Class subtracted by 20, (e.g someone with an AC of 14 takes +6 damage, someone with AC 18 takes +2 damage) A successful Reflex Save (Vs. Wand) halves the damage.
Telekinetic Manipulation⌗
Range: 120 feet
- Duration: 2 rounds per psionic level
- Threshold: 1-2
- Area of Effect: 1 object or willing creature
The psionicist gains the ability to manipulate objects or creatures at a distance without physical contact. This power allows the user to move up to 60 lbs per psionic level at a rate of 20 feet per round in any direction. The object or creature must remain within sight for the duration of the effect. No Saving Throw is permitted.
Biochemical Adaptation⌗
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1 hour/per psionic level
- Area of Effect: The psionicist
- Threshold: 1-2
The psionicist psychically manipulates their own biology, temporarily redistributing physical capabilities and accelerating natural healing. By concentrating for 1 minute, the psionicist can shift up to 3 points between Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These shifts cannot raise any Attribute above 20 or reduce any Attribute below 3.
In addition, the psionicist’s body heals rapidly for the duration, gaining 1 hp per hour.
Special: This power cannot be used again until the current adaptation ends.
Mental Cloak⌗
- Range: 200 feet
- Duration: 10 minutes x Psionic Level
- Threshold: 1-3
- Area of Effect: Line of sight, up to a number of creatures equal to the psionicist’s Intelligence score
The psionicist bends perception, psychically cloaking themselves from sight. This ability deceives the minds of affected creatures, rendering the psionicist effectively invisible to them.
the target cannot see the psionicist for as long as the psionicist remains within line of sight. The invisibility ends for a specific creature if they are attacked or otherwise harmed by the psionicist.
- Range: 100 feet
- Duration: 2 rounds
- Area of Effect: 10 sq. ft. (expandable)
- Threshold: 1-3 for Fire Manipulation, 1-4 for Fire Manifestation.
The psionicist can manipulate and manifest fire with psychic energy, controlling its intensity, size, movement, and shape. This power has two main uses: Fire Manipulation (affecting existing flames) and Fire Manifestation (creating fire from nothing).
Fire Manipulation
The psionicist can psychically manipulate an existing fire, allowing them to:
- Double or halve its size.
- Increase or decrease its heat. Doubled heat inflicts double damage, while halved heat deals half damage.
- Animate the fire. The psionicist can make the flames take on a form (e.g., a humanoid or animal) up to 10 square feet in size and move up to 60 feet per round.
- If the fire is separated from its fuel source, it will burn for only 1d3 additional round before extinguishing.
Fire Manifestation
The psionicist can create a fire from nothing, generating a 10 sq. ft. patch of flame. The fire burns as a normal flame and can be manipulated as above. If no fuel source is provided, the manifested fire burns for 1 round per psionic level before dying out.
Combat Use
The psionicist may attack a target with flames, using animated or manifested fire to inflict 1d6 damage per psionic level. Targets may make a Reflex Save (Vs. Dragons Breath) to take half damage.
Creative Applications
The psionicist may use this ability to:
- Ignite or douse flammable objects.
- Shape flames into intricate forms (e.g., crafting a fiery barrier or a burning symbol).
- Provide heat or light in dangerous or survival situations.
Kinetic Sphere⌗
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1 turn (10 minutes)
- Area of Effect: 10-foot sphere centered on the psionicist
- Psi Die Threshold: 1-3
The psionicist generates a shimmering sphere of compressed kinetic energy, protecting themselves and nearby allies from various forms of harm. This barrier acts as both a defensive shield and a force field, reducing incoming damage and hindering movement through its boundary.
- Saving Throw Bonus: All creatures within the shield gain a bonus to saving throws against area of effect, or similar effects equal to +1 per Psi Level (e.g., a +3 bonus at Psi Level 3).
- Elemental and Falling Damage Resistance: Fire/Heat, Cold and falling damage is reduced by half for all creatures inside the shield.
- Projectile Damage Resistance: Physical projectile attacks (including those created or enhanced by magic) are reduced by a flat amount equal to the psionicist’s Psi Level (e.g., a Psi Level 4 psionicist reduces incoming missile damage by 4 points per attack). Note (This stakes with DR)
- Barrier Impedance: Creatures attempting to cross the shield’s boundary are stopped for one round. On their next turn, they may pass through the shield, at which point they are also protected by its effects.
Attack Interaction:
- The shield does not distinguish between attacks leaving or entering its boundary. All attacks originating from inside or outside are equally affected by the spheres’s defensive properties.
Mind Blank⌗
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1 day
- Area of Effect: Personal
- Psi Die Threshold: 1-3
The psionicist shields their mind completely, creating an impenetrable barrier that blocks all external influence at the cost of their own psionic abilities. While active, the psionicist gains total immunity to the following effects:
- Possession of any kind (e.g., demonic possession, magic jar, or similar effects).
- Telepathic influence, readings, and attacks (e.g., domination, telepathy, ESP, or hypnosis).
- Supernatural mind-affecting abilities, such as fear, illusions, charm, confusion, sleep, and suggestion.
Drawback: While Mind Blank is active, the psionicist cannot use any other psionic powers. This includes offensive, defensive, or utility abilities. They effectively trade all psionic offense and utility for total mental defense.